This article is about how League of Legends has been a phenomenon since 2009. It’s also about the funny skins that have been created for players to enjoy.
The “best jungle skins” is a topic that has been discussed and debated for years. There are many different types of skins, but the one that I will be discussing are the funniest League of Legends Skins Ever Designed.
Skins in League of Legends have the ability to make your champion seem as deadly or as charming as you choose.
You don’t think the Pantheon is awesome enough? What if we handed him a chainsaw instead?
Skins may make champions seem ferocious or adorable, but they can also make you chuckle.
And that’s where we’ll be focusing our attention in this list as we count down some of League’s funniest skins.
Table of Contents
ToggleTaric’s Armor of the Fifth Age, number 20
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The 8th of April, 2010 was the date of release. The cost is 750 RP.
We’re kicking things off with the most stunning skin in the game.
It’s in last place because it’s not really a joke skin, but rather a half-funny, half-badass mix.
The whole skin is pink, which fits nicely with every Taric meme ever produced. His outfit is also to die for.
The V neck that dared to question, “Why can’t it finish at the groin?” the Ugg boots, the arrogant splash art—everything it’s there to make this skin seem just right.
Granted, it doesn’t include any new animations, but for the price, it’s well worth picking up.
19. Emumu
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Price: 520 RP Released: August 1st, 2010
It won’t take long for you to figure out that I’m a sucker for puns and crazy comedy.
So the fact that this champion moved from Amumu to Emumu tickles my humorous bone right away. And the fact that his package also includes tears and tantrums only adds to the appeal.
I can’t stop envisioning him as one of those South Park goth adolescents, locking down some unfortunate ADC main.
There aren’t any new animations here, however, but at this price, Emumu is certainly worth investigating.
Toy Soldier Gangplank is number 18 on the list.
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The 14th of December, 2011 was the date of publication. The price is 975 RP.
Apart from puns, another skin theme that always makes me laugh is when Riot takes a powerful champion and makes them look silly.
For me, seeing the once fearsome pirate, whose death we really saw during an event, appear in this skin as a little toy is comic gold.
I kept seeing him in the Toy Story world, blowing stuff up with barrels while eating oranges.
There are other skins that follow the same idea, but this one is my personal favorite. It also includes some cool new visual and acoustic effects.
Veigar, the Leprechaun
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The 15th of March, 2011 was the date of publication. The cost is 520 RP.
Veigar is one of my favorite characters.
His voice-over is fantastic, and the tiny petty magician with height problems and a temper never fails to make me chuckle.
So when you take an already amusing champion and turn them into a leprechaun for no apparent reason, I’m ecstatic.
You get to put on your best Irish accent and have a good time one-shotting anything in sight.
Leprechaun Veigar also has a few four-leaf clover particles strewn around, just to add salt to the wound whenever you send someone to the end of the rainbow.
Renekton’s Pool Party
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The 9th of September, 2013 was the date of release. The price is 975 RP.
This skin is okay in terms of the basic model. You simply appear like a laid-back gator lounging by the pool, soaking in the surroundings as a youngster drowns five feet away.
It’s amusing, but not really noteworthy.
The backdrop animation, on the other hand, is where this skin really shines in my opinion.
If you’re a Renekton main or have ever fought one, you’re well aware that his backing animations are akin to mental warfare. And it’s fantastic!
It simply looks so silly and silly that you can’t not but play with it as the opposition laner curses your religion.
Fiddlesticks for a Surprise Party
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Date of Publication: October 27th, 2011 The price is 975 RP.
This skin is so bizarre that it’s almost legendary.
Fiddlesticks has become the most dangerous champion in League of Legends’ roster since the update.
He’s like a walking jump fright!
But man, when you put this skin on, it takes away the ache. It simply makes you feel like that cute idiot in every show who has no understanding what’s going on but yet tries to assist but always manages to wreck everything.
Every ult is a keeper for me since I live enjoying that sensation.
Your adversaries will undoubtedly be terrified… But in League of Legends, who cares about that?
Malphite Shamrock 14
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The 16th of March, 2010 was the day on which the film was released. The cost is 520 RP.
When it comes to our list, Shamrock Malphite is unique in that it made it this far just by being terrible.
It’s simply ridiculous how terrible the skin is.
You’re simply a green rock man that throws rotten cheese wheels at people and sheds broccoli when he takes too much punishment.
And, you may wonder, what’s underneath the broccoli? He’s a jerk.
Despite the fact that I enjoyed this skin more better before the aesthetic change, I still like this messy mess.
You may even giggle when your screen becomes grey while pretending to be a part of the bush.
Pug’Maw is 13 years old.
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Date of Publication: March 29th, 2017 The price is 975 RP.
I have to compliment Riot on their execution of this skin, which is equal parts ridiculous and lovely.
I’m not sure how someone spotted Kog’Maw and decided to convert him into a cute but dangerous dog. But I’ve come to see the idea!
Because the name is a pun, you gain bonus points right away.
You also throw tennis balls at your opponents, earning you bonus points.
Finally, you’re a pug that has to battle thunder gods, terrible wizards, and zombie rulers. So that one gets all of the points.
Here, too, all of the animations are in keeping with the concept. And since it’s just 975 RP, I think it’s a great value.
Warwick, Hyena No. 12
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The 5th of December, 2011 was the date of publication. The price is 975 RP.
I was going to put Big Bad Warwick in this area since it’s a pretty excellent joke skin with Warwick dressed up as an elderly woman and everything.
But then I recalled Hyena Warwick, the genuine jewel of Warwick skins.
This entry may seem unusual at first glance, since the in-game model appears to be very badass and serious. The full beauty of the skin, on the other hand, can only be appreciated after you’ve entered the game.
He can’t stop laughing because of the skin, and I swear to God, it never fails to make me laugh as well.
After all, laughter is infectious. And you’ll be giggling all the time with this skin.
11. Pantheon of Baker
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The 7th of September, 2016 was the date of release. The price is 975 RP.
I’m not sure where the “Pantheon loves baking” idea came from, but I’m pleased it’s still going strong.
This skin represents the meme’s last triumph, and Riot came in with a bang with this design.
Wearing a fluffy chef’s hat while holding a butter knife in one hand and a pie in the other is reason enough to get this skin. The new animations, on the other hand, make it even better.
Everything smells like a bakery, and there are pie pieces and other treats flying everywhere.
Oh my gosh, I just saw he’s wearing mittens as well! This skin is a gift that keeps on giving.
Draven Draven Draven Draven Draven Draven Draven
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Published on March 31st, 2016 500 RPG Points
Sometimes the simplest and most ridiculous skin concepts are the ones that get to me the most.
This one is simple to sum up:
“It’s Draven, but he’s wearing a massive helmet that represents… Draven,” says the narrator.
I adore how it seems like it came directly from Shia LaBeouf’s thoughts.
He’s so confident in himself that it doesn’t seem out of place in the game! It’s merely a guy with a very large head. Pun completely intended.
It’s also just 500 RP, so it’s a rather inexpensive laugh.
Alistar, the Moo Cow
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Date of Publication: March 29th, 2017 The price is 975 RP.
The fundamental model of the Moo Cow Alistar is comparable to the Draven Draven in terms of zing.
Because, in this situation, Alistar is just dressed like a cow, utters and all.
The emote spam, on the other hand, is where this skin truly shines.
If you thought Renekton’s spam was bad, wait till you see this.
Before the minions appear, this skin will transport you to the dark world! And, since we’re all sadists on the inside, doing this to other people is entertaining.
8. This Isn’t Blitzcrank
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The 19th of October, 2011 was the day on which the film was released. The price is 975 RP.
Definitely Not is one of my all-time favorite skin-care lines.
And here is the skin that catapulted the idea to fame.
It’s a really basic design that merely alters your character model, but it’s quite effective.
It basically dresses up Blitzcrank in a suit and tie, as well as the ever-popular moustache disguise.
It just serves to make you appear like a Disney villain. And Blitzcrank’s everyday emotes strongly corroborate that theory.
Overall, this is a fantastic and amusing skin that demonstrates that rolling goofballs don’t rust.
7. Udyr Is Definitely Not
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The film was released on March 31st, 2015. The price is 975 RP.
Definitely Not Udyr incorporates everything I enjoyed about Definitely Not Blitzcrank and amplifies it. The pun was intentional.
This skin allows Udyr to swiftly switch between pajama sets in order to cast his powers, rather than merely throwing on a moustache.
And it’s hysterical to watch.
When a person dressed as a Wish ninja turtle beats you to death, it’s discouraging.
And, in case you hadn’t noticed, that kind of humour gives me life.
6. Nasus’ Space Groove
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The film will be released on April 1st, 2021. 1350 RP is the price.
Groove in Space Nasus infuses GG with the humorous and the funky.
You’re a small pupper in charge of a mech body that isn’t scared to toss it down while beating people with your brightly colored cane.
The in-game mode is self-explanatory, the backdrop animations are superb, and your E seems like the dance of death. It’s really amusing when you consider what Nasus’s initial design was all about.
The funk god has risen!
5. Ivern, the Dunkmaster
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The 4th of April, 2019 was the date of publication. 1350 RP is the price.
There are two unique impressions I get from this skin.
First and foremost, my name is Wilt from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. You can’t help but think of the Cartoon Network favorite when you see their long legs, arms, passion for hoops, and general laidback demeanor.
Number two is Space Jam.
I mean, I’m on the edge of my seat expecting for Lola rabbit to spring out the second Daisy walks out and begins throwing people in the air with basketballs.
These two impressions make me very happy. The animations are also clean and amusing, making this a must-have humor skin.
Urgot in Pajama Guardian Cosplay
Riot Games is responsible for this image.
On April 1st, 2020, the film will be released. 1350 RP is the price.
Here’s another skin that was inspired by a meme, and I’m rather pleased with the outcome.
We’ve been begging Riot for a Star Guardian Urgot skin for years, so it can be sexy once again. However, they realized it would be too much for our aging eyes, so we were given the next best thing.
You get cats instead of the traditional anime look with lasers all over the place.
There are a lot of cats.
And it all comes together to produce this wacky skin.
Sure, you’re fed, but you’re also dressed in some cozy jammies and firing cats at people, so how can you not crack a smile?
3. Cho’Gath, the Gentleman
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Released on May 11th, 2010 with a retail price of 1820 RP
Is this supposed to be a metaphor for capitalism? Most likely not.
Is it, however, funny? Absolutely!
Although the skin lacks in terms of animations, it more than makes up for it in terms of character models and voice lines.
Even just watching this ever-expanding guy with his top-hat and shredded shirt is hilarious. But when you add some humorous quips to the mix, it’s even better.
It simply feels right to scream “silent” while using your W. And there’s nothing quite like asking someone if they want cheese with their wine and then eating it right away.
2. The Business World
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Released on September 12th, 2010 with a retail price of 1820 RP
Despite my mixed thoughts about the Mundo VGU in general, this skin was a big plus.
Your animations not only keep you as the same babbling moron in a suit, but they also provide totally new levels of humour.
My man repairs the stock market in a single emote and then drives away in his small homeguard vehicle like he owns the town. And I mean, he most likely does…
Money symbols may be seen almost everywhere in this city. And your ear is never far from the phone.
Everything comes together to become the world’s greatest Wall Street douchebag — and it’s fantastic.
1. Birdio
Riot Games is responsible for this image.
Date of Publication: March 29th, 2018 The price is 975 RP.
What’s the deal with my man working at KFC?
And what makes it the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen?
Let me simply give you a quick rundown of his basic outfit.
So, this guy dressed as a chicken rushes at you, holding a chicken leg in his hand – his E.
Then he strikes you over the head with his passive, while a fowl cluck rattles your whole body.
Then he tosses buckets of chicken at you and teases you with his Q and W – his grease.
Plus, when he dies, he turns into cooked chicken. He also does the chicken dance.
Enough with the rioting; just take my money and go!
Note that this material was made utilizing Riot Games’ “Legal Jibber Jabber” policy and Riot Games’ assets. This project is neither endorsed or sponsored by Riot Games.
League of Legends is a game that has been around for over 10 years now. It’s no surprise that there are tons of amazing skins in the game, but these three are definitely some of the best. Reference: best league skin lines.
{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the ugliest skin in LoL?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: The ugliest skin in League of Legends is named Zombie Teemo and has a barcode on the bottom left.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the coolest skin in league?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: Im unable to answer the question.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the most bought skin in League of Legends?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: The most bought skin in League of Legends is the Ace of Spades Phantom Dancer, which has been bought over two million times.”}}]}
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the ugliest skin in LoL?
A: The ugliest skin in League of Legends is named Zombie Teemo and has a barcode on the bottom left.
What is the coolest skin in league?
A: Im unable to answer the question.
What is the most bought skin in League of Legends?
A: The most bought skin in League of Legends is the Ace of Spades Phantom Dancer, which has been bought over two million times.
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Wayne is a unique blend of gamer and coder, a character as colorful and complex as the worlds he explores and the programs he crafts. With a sharp wit and a knack for unraveling the most tangled lines of code, he navigates the realms of pixels and Python with equal enthusiasm. His stories aren’t just about victories and bugs; they’re about the journey, the unexpected laughs, and the shared triumphs. Wayne’s approach to gaming and programming isn’t just a hobby, it’s a way of life that encourages curiosity, persistence, and, above all, finding joy in every keystroke and every quest.