Detailed Graphics Settings in GTA 5 to Improve Performance


For modern gamers, FPS is a key aspect of the game. Of course, this is not old-school gaming because earlier, some enjoyed the game at 10 FPS or were just glad that it launched on their PC. Nevertheless, GTA 5 has become a cult, and many still want to play it.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that the game is more than 11 years old, the graphics in it can become kryptonite for those who have a weak PC or laptop. The good news is that there are a lot of GTA V graphics settings and life hacks that will allow you to optimize the game for stable performance. The main thing is to know what to do.

Setting up DirectX and Memory Limits

First, you should decide on the version of DirectX that is used in the game. Yes, this is the same thing that you installed by default, simply because a new window opened during the installation of GTA 5.

There are two options available in GTA 5 – DirectX 10 and DirectX 11. It is important to install DirectX 10, as this version provides access to additional settings, such as MSAA antialiasing, tessellation and grass quality. These parameters can significantly increase the load on the video card, especially on weak systems. Enabling DirectX 11 will provide more options, but it does not always justify itself in terms of performance, so it is recommended that you limit yourself to the 10th version for game optimization.

It is also worth disabling the “Ignore memory limit” setting. This option can be useful on powerful PCs with a large amount of video memory, but on average and weak systems, disabling it will help avoid overloading the video card and improve the overall stability of the game.

Resolution and Refresh Rate

Resolution and refresh rate are two parameters that directly affect the image and performance. It is recommended that the resolution be set to match your screen, but to improve performance on weak PCs, you can reduce the resolution to 720p or 900p. The higher the resolution, the more computing power is required to render the image, so lowering the resolution can significantly increase FPS without significantly degrading the visual perception.

60 Hz is the optimal refresh rate for most users. The game strives for 60 FPS, and setting the screen frequency to 60 Hz helps to achieve smoothness of the image without additional performance losses.


Anti-aliasing is an important parameter that helps remove unnecessary elements on objects’ edges, improving visual perception. In GTA 5, two types of anti-aliasing are available: FXAA and MSAA.

  • FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing) is a basic anti-aliasing that has virtually no impact on performance. Enabling FXAA is recommended, as it significantly improves the picture without significant FPS losses.
  • MSAA (Multisample Anti-Aliasing) is a more demanding anti-aliasing method that requires significant resources from video cards. This is especially true for higher levels of anti-aliasing, such as x8.

On weak systems, it is recommended to completely disable MSAA, as its impact on performance is noticeable, and the visual difference between disabled and x2 anti-aliasing is minimal.

Vertical Sync

Vertical Sync (V-Sync) helps eliminate screen tearing by synchronizing the frame rate with the monitor’s refresh rate.


While V-Sync can sometimes reduce performance a little, it significantly improves image quality, especially at 60 FPS. Enabling V-Sync is recommended, but for benchmark testing, you can first disable it and check the overall FPS to see how much it affects the game in your case.

Population, Varieties, and Focus

These settings directly affect the system load, but their impact on visual perception is not that great. To improve performance, it is recommended that they be set to a minimum.

  • City Population—At minimum, this will not empty the city, as it did in previous games in the series, such as GTA IV. Instead, it simply reduces the number of NPCs, which reduces the load on the processor and video card.
  • Population Diversity—a setting that controls the diversity of human models and their behavior. To improve performance, you can set this value to a minimum since the difference in visual perception will be barely noticeable.
  • Focus—This parameter controls the depth of field, but its impact on FPS is minimal. However, it can be disabled to prevent unnecessary freezes at maximum settings.

These parameters can also be changed using various mods. Some completely remove NPCs, reducing the load on the video card, and some, on the contrary, can boost the city with new characters, events, etc.

Texture and Shader Quality

Texture and shader quality are very important for the visual perception of the game. However, if your video card has little video memory, these settings can negatively affect performance.

  • Texture quality depends on the amount of video memory on your card. Medium textures are recommended for video cards with 1 GB of memory. For cards with 2 GB or more, you can select high texture quality to improve visual perception.
  • Shader quality is a parameter that affects the visual perception of textures in the field of view. Despite their low demands, shaders play an important role in improving image quality. It is recommended that this parameter be set to a high level.

It all depends on your graphics card. It is a key part of your PC that acts as the core of performance, so it is important to set the parameters that it can handle.

Overall System Optimization

You should also check your system settings to improve performance. For NVIDIA graphics cards, it is recommended that you go to the NVIDIA Control Panel and select the settings that will provide maximum performance in the 3D Settings section. AMD users can use the RadeonPro utility.


In addition, you should ensure that the power settings on your PC are set to maximum performance rather than to save energy, which can also affect the game’s stability.


Properly setting up graphics in GTA 5 improves visual perception and significantly increases performance, even on less powerful systems. By following the above recommendations and testing various parameters, you can achieve the optimal balance between image quality and FPS, providing a more stable and comfortable game.

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